Why PJD?

We listen,

We understand,

We adapt to Your Needs!

Our main mission is putting our expertise and experience at your service.

We have developed precise, reliable knowledge and tools that have helped some of the most prestigious Hotels and Restaurants to produce unparalleled quality, ensure exceptional profitability for their owners while limiting investments to a minimum.


"Your most dissatisfied customers are your biggest source of learning!" Bill Gates


Because we are experts!

Diversified operational expertise to meet your needs:

Market and feasibility studies

Planning & Concepts (for hotels & restaurants)

Design & Development: Pre-opening programs

Detailed Action Plans

Hotel Management Agreements (short or long term management contracts)

Audits (operational and quality)

Annual Budgets

Analysis KPIs

Specific Reviews by department(s)

Developing a culture of Immaculate Service


Customer Care!



Exceptional Service ™: 

We have helped many companies in Asia, Africa and the Middle East build an Exceptional Service™ culture, effective year after year!

It means create value for every customer, for every colleague, every partner who interacts within your organization, and then, take the next step to create even more value.

This perspective will form the basis for your organization's transformation.

We offer missions adapted to your situation, your objectives to develop this Culture of Customer and Service!  

This is the Plan:

  1. Helping your team to deliver the “Exceptional Service™ ” expected by Your Clients! 

Taking steps to create value for every customer, every colleague, every partner who interacts with your organization.

   2. Your team will strive to achieve service excellence:

Creating a common language of service:

  1. Incredible!
  2. Great!
  3. Expected!
  4. OK!
  5. Basic!
  6. Bad!

These six service levels help every employee appreciate a service experience from the customer's perspective. 

Identify the real problems

See, Hear, Touch, Smell, Taste: the path to your perception.

Transaction and service perception tools allow teams to visualize their delivery, identifying immediate opportunities and ideas for service improvement.

Deliver Real Value: The 4 Value Categories

  • Original Products
  • Delivery Processes
  • Mind set
  • Existing Relationships

The four categories toolset focuses on delivering what customers and colleagues truly value.

Inspire action, not blame

Take personal responsibility, not excuse, shame or blame

Recover unhappy customers!

  • Fix the problem!
  • Show that it matters!
  • Make a move to prove it!

Service incidents are inevitable! You have to bounce back with simple, effective ways to convert complaints into sincere compliments, thus transforming the loss of business into long-term loyalty.

Climb the loyalty ladder

  1. The Enemy,

  2. The Adversary,

  3. The Neutral,

  4. The Supporter,

  5. The Ambassador 

 Empower your teams to encourage customers to become ambassadors for your brand.

Start being right from the beginning!

Managing customer expectations helps everyone build goodwill.. Eliminate confusion and learn to make and keep clear service promises, 

Give more to get more

Building powerful partnerships means proactively adding value for customers and colleagues.

Building Trust through Service Delivery


Personalized presentation by Philippe Dupont

Getting Concrete Results

We guaranty spectacular results:

We are committed to achieve your professional goals efficiently.

  • " Exceptional Service tm " approach motivates and improves your team's' customer service dramatically.
  • Dynamic, motivating and relevant training courses ensure remarkable progress for trainees. 
  • Financial studies and development programs carried out by our experts, undisputed specialists in our industry, provide coherent, pragmatic and real figures to facilitate your decision-making.
  • We support in developing essential operational tools for the remarkable growth of your company. You can confidently use all the information we make available to you to advance your business.

Our Rates are reasonable:

We are here to help

For example, 

Housekeeping Attendant (male & female) 

Price: €1,350 excluding tax per session (10 hours / 5 days / 10 trainees max per session).

 Details on the program based on the below:

  • Targeted skills :
  • Target audience:
  • Program duration :
  • Admission requirements:
  • Location and accessibility 
  • Trainees with disabilities: 
  • Teaching methods :
  • Methods of assessment of acquired skills
  • Program specific
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